Lawn Pampering
Dethatch / Power Rake
A fresh start to a rested lawn all starts in the spring. Something as simple as a dethatch can make the world of a difference to your lawn. When dethatching, the machine works to remove the dead thatch and winter debris from the lawn and allows the living grass to flourish.
Top Dressing
Top dressing is a great way to give your lawn the nutrients it wants and also help level any uneven areas in your lawn. Spread a 1/4 inch of soil over the entire lawn and more where uneven with either premium top dressing soil or compost. Top dressing is best done after dethatching and followed by overseeding.
Over Seeding
Over seeding is the absolute best thing you can do for your lawn. Spread! Spread! Spread! All year round if you want, it will never hurt the lawn and will allow for grass to flourish and thicken! At the same time your are creating competition to those weeds that never seem to go away.